Due to the constant increase in fossil fuel products during the past few years, many people start to search for alternative solutions. The automotive market is no exception. Within the household alternatives we find solar panels replacing electrical hot water supply as an example, while in the automotive industry we currently have expensive hybrid production vehicles, electrical cars and hydrogen fueled vehicles which are in very limited and experimental phases. However there is another solution, which not many people trust or even know about. This is the HHO for car system which produces hydrogen on demand, without the need of hydrogen storage tanks.
There are various HHO for car kits available in various designs, from D.I.Y. step-by-step guides to ready-made kit forms, which only require installation. Many skeptical people ask if these systems work as intended fuel energy savers; the short answer is “Yes.” If the design is good enough and uses limited amount of current withdrawal to operate, they will probably work fine. Obviously there are more factors that come into play with each design, but the first rule is limited current withdrawal.
Types Of Hydrogen-on-Demand Systems
Basically there are two types of HHO for car systems which produce hydrogen-on-demand. These fall into two categories – the wet HHO cell systems and the dry HHO cell systems.
The wet HHO cell design was the first to be introduced to the market as a direct product from the water electrolysis principle, which was to create hydroxy gas from water by using direct current. Better designs and more durable materials have evolved from various experimenters and beta testers. Nowadays these different wet cell designs became more compact, reliable and are capable of using less current and generate less unwanted heat.
The next evolution emerged as a different design altogether, and is commonly referred to as the dry HHO cell system. These are even more compact compared to the wet cell design and can produce very consistent results with even less heat and less current withdrawal from the engine. They are favored in modern engine bays were space is extremely tight and can fit anywhere in the engine bay, even between the front bumper and the engine bay valance.
Our Immediate Solution: “Hydrogen-on-Demand System”
These hydrogen-on-demand systems can work on all fossil fuel engines, old and modern. They can literally work on every internal combustion engine, including huge establishment generators or heavy-duty workhorses, while producing clean energy in the form of water vapor. They have proved to work safely on many varieties of gasoline and diesel vehicles too.
These systems can be installed on any engine without internal modifications of the mechanical parts. They are an add-on accessory to the engine and can be removed easily without any repercussions.
The main outline of how they work is simple.
The HHO generator system converts the electrolyte (water and catalyst) solution from a liquid to a gaseous state of hydrogen and oxygen. These two components are capable of burning cleanly and the resultant byproduct of this process is water. The HHO generator needs current from the engine’s alternator to operate this electrolysis process. The gas produced from the system is known as hydroxy gas (2 parts hydrogen and one part oxygen) and is fed into the engines intake system where it mixes with the air/fuel ratio needed for a running engine. This makes the current fuel burn completely, giving out the maximum power output for that amount of fuel, gasoline or diesel in our case. As the fuel is being burned fully without any wastage, there is less need of fuel to give the same torque output required from our engines. This means that the engine’s primary fuel supply can now be weakened, which is known as a lean mixture from normal engine settings. This is where the fuel reduction comes into play. Effectively they are true fuel savers.
When hydroxy gas burns with the engine’s primary fuel it manages to dilute the carbon to an extent that it is non-existent. The final emissions from the vehicle’s tailpipe will be water vapor!
In this part we come to the conclusion why these HHO for car systems are our immediate solution. Electrical cars are good but are expensive and need recharging frequently, more than we are used to fill our gas tanks. This makes them somewhat unreliable for most users. Electricity is also becoming more expensive month after month because its dependence on crude oil.
New alternative hybrid engines are very good and reliable but are out of reach for most ordinary family’s budgets.
Hydrogen only cars are prohibitively expensive for most households and pose another problem of lack of hydrogen infrastructure stations worldwide.
Currently California, Germany, Australia, Lisbon, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK, Iceland, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, Italy, Belgium, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore have some of these hydrogen stations in limited numbers. As a prime example Honda is leasing the FCX Clarity Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle for $600 a month in California.
This leaves us with the only viable option of installing a HHO Generator system to our existing vehicles. They can also be removed and installed onto another vehicle, if said vehicle is going to be sold on. That engine will simply run back to its original factory configuration.